Reflexive pronouns are an essential part of the Portuguese language, and they play a crucial role in forming reflexive verbs. A reflexive verb is a verb in which the action is directed back to the subject of the sentence. In other words, the subject of the sentence is both the one performing the action and the one receiving the action. Reflexive pronouns are used to indicate the subject’s involvement in the action, and they are essential for conveying meaning accurately in Portuguese.
Portuguese has six reflexive pronouns: me, te, se, nos, vos, and se. Each pronoun has a specific usage, and they are used to indicate different aspects of the subject’s involvement in the action. In the following paragraphs, we will explain the usage of each reflexive pronoun in Portuguese with example sentences.
Me – Myself
The reflexive pronoun “me” is used to indicate that the subject is performing the action on themselves. In other words, the subject is both the one performing the action and the one receiving the action. “Me” is used with the first person singular (eu) in Portuguese. Here are some example sentences using “me” in Portuguese:
Eu me levanto cedo todos os dias. (I wake up early every day.)
Eu me visto rapidamente de manhã. (I get dressed quickly in the morning.)
Eu me preocupo com a minha saúde. (I worry about my health.)
Te – Yourself (Singular Informal)
The reflexive pronoun “te” is used to indicate that the subject is performing the action on themselves. “Te” is used with the second person singular informal (tu) in Portuguese. Here are some example sentences using “te” in Portuguese:
Tu te lavas todas as manhãs? (Do you wash yourself every morning?)
Tu te divertes na festa? (Are you enjoying yourself at the party?)
Tu te preocupas demais com as coisas. (You worry too much about things.)
Se – Yourself/Himself/Herself/Itself/Themselves
The reflexive pronoun “se” is used to indicate that the subject is performing the action on themselves, him/herself/itself or themselves. “Se” is used with the third person singular or plural (ele, ela, você, eles, elas, vocês) in Portuguese. Here are some example sentences using “se” in Portuguese:
Ele se levanta cedo todos os dias. (He wakes up early every day.)
Ela se olha no espelho antes de sair. (She looks at herself in the mirror before leaving.)
Você se sente bem hoje? (Are you feeling well today?)
Eles se divertem muito juntos. (They have a lot of fun together.)
Elas se preocupam com a saúde. (They worry about their health.)
Vocês se conhecem há quanto tempo? (How long have you known each other?)
Nos – Ourselves
The”nos” is used to indicate that the subject is performing the action on themselves, indicating a group of people including the speaker. “Nos” is used with the first person plural (nós) in Portuguese. Here are some example sentences using “nos” in Portuguese:
Nós nos reunimos todas as semanas para discutir o projeto. (We gather every week to discuss the project.)
Nós nos divertimos muito na festa. (We had a lot of fun at the party.)
Nós nos preocupamos com o meio ambiente. (We worry about the environment.)
Vos – Yourselves (Plural Informal)
The reflexive pronoun “vos” is used to indicate that the subject is performing the action on themselves, indicating a group of people in an informal setting. “Vos” is used with the second person plural informal (vós) in Portuguese. However, it is important to note that the use of “vós” has become very rare in modern Portuguese, and it is mostly used in Portugal. Here are some example sentences using “vos” in Portuguese:
Vós vos divertis muito na festa? (Did you all have a lot of fun at the party?)
Vós vos preocupais demais com as coisas. (You all worry too much about things.)
Se – Yourselves/Themselves (Plural Formal)
The reflexive pronoun “se” is used to indicate that the subject is performing the action on themselves, indicating a group of people in a formal setting. “Se” is used with the third person plural (eles, elas, vocês) in Portuguese. Here are some example sentences using “se” in Portuguese:
Eles se cumprimentaram ao chegar. (They greeted each other upon arrival.)
Elas se apresentaram antes da reunião começar. (They introduced themselves before the meeting started.)
Vocês se organizam bem para os eventos. (You all organize yourselves well for events.)
In conclusion, reflexive pronouns are an essential part of the Portuguese language, and they play a crucial role in forming reflexive verbs. Portuguese has six reflexive pronouns: me, te, se, nos, vos, and se. Each pronoun has a specific usage, and they are used to indicate different aspects of the subject’s involvement in the action. By understanding the usage of these pronouns, you can accurately convey meaning in Portuguese and communicate effectively with native speakers.
Originally posted 2023-07-17 13:47:04.