The Portuguese Present Perfect Continuous tense, known as “Pretérito Perfeito do Indicativo” in Portuguese, is used to talk about actions or situations that started in the past, are still ongoing in the present, and may continue into the future. This tense is formed by combining the auxiliary verb “ter” (to have) or “estar” (to be) in the present tense, with the past participle of the main verb, and the present participle of the verb “estar”. In this tense, the verb “estar” agrees with the subject in number and gender.
Conjugation of the Portuguese Present Perfect Continuous Tense
To conjugate verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous tense, we need to understand the different categories of verbs in Portuguese. There are three categories: -ar verbs, -er verbs, and -ir verbs. Let’s take a look at how each category is conjugated in the Present Perfect Continuous tense for the different persons.
Conjugation of -ar verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous tense:
To conjugate regular -ar verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous tense, we use the present participle of the verb “estar” (to be) and the past participle of the main verb. The endings for each person are as follows:
Eu (I): tenho estado + verb + ando (for regular -ar verbs)
Example: Eu tenho estado estudando português. (I have been studying Portuguese.)
Você/Ele/Ela (You/He/She): tem estado + verb + ando (for regular -ar verbs)
Example: Ele tem estado trabalhando muito. (He has been working a lot.)
Nós (We): temos estado + verb + ando (for regular -ar verbs)
Example: Nós temos estado conversando sobre o projeto. (We have been talking about the project.)
Vocês/Eles/Elas (You/They): têm estado + verb + ando (for regular -ar verbs)
Example: Elas têm estado caminhando todas as manhãs. (They have been walking every morning.)
Conjugation of -er verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous tense:
To conjugate regular -er verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous tense, we use the present participle of the verb “estar” (to be) and the past participle of the main verb. The endings for each person are as follows:
Eu (I): tenho estado + verb + endo (for regular -er verbs)
Example: Eu tenho estado bebendo água. (I have been drinking water.)
Você/Ele/Ela (You/He/She): tem estado + verb + endo (for regular -er verbs)
Example: Ele tem estado correndo todos os dias. (He has been running every day.)
Nós (We): temos estado + verb + endo (for regular -er verbs)
Example: Nós temos estado aprendendo um novo idioma. (We have been learning a new language.)
Vocês/Eles/Elas (You/They): têm estado + verb + endo (for regular -er verbs)
Example: Elas têm estado comendo comida saudável. (They have been eating healthy food.)
Conjugation of -ir verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous tense:
To conjugate regular -ir verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous tense, we use the present participle of the verb “estar” (to be) and the past participle of the main verb. The endings for each person are as follows:
Eu (I): tenho estado + verb + indo (for regular -ir verbs)
Example: Eu tenho estado dormindo pouco. (I have been sleeping little.)
Você/Ele/Ela (You/He/She): tem estado + verb + indo (for regular -ir verbs)
Example: Ela tem estado saindo com amigos. (She has been going out with friends.)
Nós (We): temos estado + verb + indo (for regular -ir verbs)
Example: Nós temos estado assistindo filmes no cinema. (We have been watching movies at the cinema.)
Vocês/Eles/Elas (You/They): têm estado + verb + indo (for regular -ir verbs)
Example: Eles têm estado vivendo uma experiência incrível. (They have been living an amazing experience.)
Example Sentences:
- Eu tenho estado estudando português. (I have been studying Portuguese.)
- Ele tem estado trabalhando muito. (He has been working a lot.)
- Nós temos estado conversando sobre o projeto. (We have been talking about the project.)
- Elas têm estado caminhando todas as manhãs. (They have been walking every morning.)
- Eu tenho estado bebendo água. (I have been drinking water.)
- Ele tem estado correndo todos os dias. (He has been running every day.)
- Nós temos estado aprendendo um novo idioma. (We have been learning a new language.)
- Elas têm estado comendo comida saudável. (They have been eating healthy food.)
- Eu tenho estado dormindo pouco. (I have been sleeping little.)
- Ela tem estado saindo com amigos. (She has been going out with friends.)
- Nós temos estado assistindo filmes no cinema. (We have been watching movies at the cinema.)
- Eles têm estado vivendo uma experiência incrível. (They have been living an amazing experience.)
By understanding the conjugation patterns and practicing examples, you can start using the Present Perfect Continuous tense in Portuguese to express ongoing actions or situations that began in the past and are still happening in the present. With time and practice, you will become more comfortable with using this tense and expand your ability to communicate in Portuguese.
Originally posted 2023-07-16 17:51:23.