German is known for its complex grammar and long words, but it’s also a language that places great importance on politeness and respect. Using the right polite words and phrases can go a long way in making a good impression on German speakers, whether you’re traveling to Germany or communicating with German speakers online. In this guide, we will explain the basic German polite words and provide example sentences to help beginners understand their usage.
When greeting someone in German, it’s important to use the appropriate greeting depending on the time of day and the person’s status. Here are some of the most common German greetings and their meanings:
Guten Morgen (Good morning)
Guten Tag (Good day)
Guten Abend (Good evening)
Hallo (Hello)
It’s important to note that “Guten Tag” can be used throughout the day and is the most formal way to greet someone. “Hallo” is more casual and can be used with friends or acquaintances.
Example sentences:
Guten Morgen, wie geht es Ihnen? (Good morning, how are you?)
Guten Tag, ich bin neu hier. (Good day, I’m new here.)
Guten Abend, möchten Sie etwas trinken? (Good evening, would you like something to drink?)
Hallo, wie war dein Wochenende? (Hello, how was your weekend?)
Asking for permission:
In German culture, it’s important to ask for permission before doing something or taking something. Here are some common German polite words and phrases to use when asking for permission:
Darf ich …? (May I …?)
Könnten Sie bitte …? (Could you please …?)
Entschuldigung, darf ich Sie etwas fragen? (Excuse me, may I ask you something?)
Example sentences:
Darf ich das Fenster öffnen? (May I open the window?)
Könnten Sie bitte das Salz reichen? (Could you please pass the salt?)
Entschuldigung, darf ich Sie etwas fragen? Wie komme ich zum Bahnhof? (Excuse me, may I ask you something? How do I get to the train station?)
Expressing gratitude:
In German, expressing gratitude is a way to show appreciation and respect. Here are some common German polite words and phrases to use when expressing gratitude:
Danke (Thank you)
Vielen Dank (Many thanks)
Herzlichen Dank (Heartfelt thanks)
Example sentences:
Danke für Ihre Hilfe. (Thank you for your help.)
Vielen Dank für das Geschenk. (Many thanks for the gift.)
Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Gastfreundschaft. (Heartfelt thanks for your hospitality.)
If you make a mistake or do something wrong, it’s important to apologize in German. Here are some common German polite words and phrases to use when apologizing:
Entschuldigung (Excuse me / Sorry)
Es tut mir leid (I’m sorry)
Verzeihung (Forgive me)
Example sentences:
Entschuldigung, ich habe mich verspätet. (Excuse me, I’m running late.)
Es tut mir leid, ich habe den Termin vergessen. (I’m sorry, I forgot about the appointment.)
Verzeihung, das war ein Versehen. (Forgive me, that was a mistake.)
Politeness and respect are highly valued in German culture, and using the right polite words and phrases can make a big difference in how you are perceived by German speakers. By using the greetings, asking for permission, expressing gratitude, and apologizing phrases we’ve covered in this guide
Below are german categories of polite words
There are many different German greetings that can be used in various contexts. Here are some of the most common ones:
Hallo – Hello (casual)
Guten Morgen – Good morning (formal)
Guten Tag – Good day (formal)
Guten Abend – Good evening (formal)
Grüß Gott – Greet God (often used in Bavaria, Austria, and parts of Switzerland)
Servus – Hi/Bye (informal, common in Bavaria and Austria)
Moin – Hello (used in northern Germany)
Tag – Hi (informal)
Tach – Hi (informal, often used in Berlin)
Na – Hi/Hello (casual)
There are many other regional variations and informal greetings in German, but these are some of the most commonly used ones.
Here are some common German expressions of gratitude:
Vielen Dank – Thank you very much
Danke schön – Thank you kindly
Herzlichen Dank – Many thanks
Ich danke Ihnen – I thank you
Es war sehr nett von Ihnen – That was very kind of you
Ich bin Ihnen sehr dankbar – I am very grateful to you
Ich möchte mich bei Ihnen bedanken – I would like to thank you
Sie haben mir sehr geholfen – You have helped me a lot
Ich schätze Ihre Hilfe sehr – I appreciate your help very much
Ich bin Ihnen zu großem Dank verpflichtet – I am deeply indebted to you.
here are several German expressions of apologies and their translations:
Entschuldigung – Sorry/Excuse me
Es tut mir leid – I’m sorry
Verzeihung – Pardon/Forgive me
Es war nicht meine Absicht – It was not my intention
Ich wollte dich nicht verletzen – I didn’t mean to hurt you
Das tut mir wirklich leid – I’m truly sorry
Es tut mir aufrichtig leid – I sincerely apologize
Es tut mir wirklich sehr leid – I’m very sorry
Bitte verzeih mir – Please forgive me
Ich bitte um Entschuldigung – I apologize/I beg your pardon
Note that some of these expressions may have slightly different connotations or levels of formality depending on the context in which they are used.
here are some common German expressions of polite requests with their translations:
Könnten Sie bitte…? – Could you please…?
Würden Sie bitte…? – Would you please…?
Könnten Sie mir vielleicht…? – Could you perhaps give me…?
Würden Sie mir bitte helfen…? – Would you please help me…?
Könnten Sie so freundlich sein und…? – Could you be so kind and…?
Darf ich Sie bitten…? – May I request that you…?
Wäre es möglich, dass Sie…? – Would it be possible for you to…?
Könnten Sie mir eventuell…? – Would you possibly give me…?
Es wäre nett, wenn Sie… – It would be nice if you…
Könnten Sie mir bitte erklären…? – Could you please explain to me…?
Please note that German is a highly inflected language and therefore the form of these expressions may change depending on the context, gender, number, and case of the nouns and pronouns involved.
here are some German expressions of polite refusal with their English translations:
“Vielen Dank für die Einladung, aber ich fürchte, ich kann nicht kommen.” (Thank you very much for the invitation, but I’m afraid I can’t come.)
“Es tut mir sehr leid, aber ich habe bereits andere Pläne.” (I’m very sorry, but I already have other plans.)
“Ich wäre gerne dabei, aber ich bin schon vollständig ausgebucht.” (I would love to be there, but I am already fully booked.)
“Ich bedanke mich für das Angebot, aber ich denke, es ist besser, wenn ich nicht teilnehme.” (Thank you for the offer, but I think it’s better if I don’t participate.)
“Das ist sehr freundlich von Ihnen, aber ich muss leider ablehnen.” (That’s very kind of you, but I have to decline.)
“Ich würde gerne helfen, aber ich bin im Moment zu beschäftigt.” (I would love to help, but I’m too busy at the moment.)
“Ich schätze die Einladung sehr, aber ich denke, ich werde sie ausschlagen.” (I appreciate the invitation very much, but I think I will decline it.)
There are many ways to express agreement in German. Here are some common ones:
Ja – Yes
Genau – Exactly
Stimmt – That’s right
Ganz genau – Quite right
Richtig – Correct
Absolut – Absolutely
Sicher – For sure
Natürlich – Of course
Einverstanden – Agreed
Okay – Okay
Note that some of these expressions can also be used to show affirmation or confirmation, depending on the context.
Here are some common German expressions of farewell:
Auf Wiedersehen – Goodbye
Tschüss – Bye
Bis bald – See you soon
Bis später – See you later
Bis zum nächsten Mal – Until next time
Mach’s gut – Take care
Alles Gute – All the best
Schönen Tag noch – Have a nice day
Wir sehen uns – We’ll see each other
Auf Wiederhören – Goodbye (used specifically for phone calls)
Segen – Blessing
Gottes Segen – God’s blessing
Sei gesegnet – Be blessed
Möge Gott dich segnen – May God bless you
Ich wünsche dir Segen – I wish you blessings
Der Herr segne dich – The Lord bless you
Gesegnete Zeit – Blessed time
Segen und Frieden – Blessings and peace
Mögest du gesegnet sein – May you be blessed
Segen auf deinen Weg – Blessings on your way
Originally posted 2023-07-17 22:59:56.