The Future Tense, also known as “Futuro do Presente” in Portuguese, is used to express actions or events that will happen after the present moment. It is a verb tense that allows us to talk about the future and make predictions or plans. In Portuguese, there are two forms of the Future Tense: the Simple Future and the Future Perfect. In this explanation, we will focus on the Simple Future, which is more commonly used.
Conjugation of the Future Tense:
The Future Tense is conjugated by adding specific endings to the infinitive form of the verb. These endings vary depending on the conjugation group of the verb. In Portuguese, there are three main conjugation groups: -ar verbs, -er verbs, and -ir verbs. Let’s take a look at how each group is conjugated in the Future Tense.
-ar Verbs:
For -ar verbs, the endings in the Future Tense are as follows:
Eu (I): -ei
Você, Ele, Ela (You, He, She): -á
Nós (We): -emos
Vocês, Eles, Elas (You all, They): -ão
Example sentences:
Eu viajarei para o Brasil no próximo verão. (I will travel to Brazil next summer.)
Você estudará muito para o exame. (You will study a lot for the exam.)
Nós cantaremos no show de talentos. (We will sing at the talent show.)
Eles trabalharão juntos no projeto. (They will work together on the project.)
-er Verbs:
For -er verbs, the endings in the Future Tense are as follows:
Eu (I): -erei
Você, Ele, Ela (You, He, She): -erá
Nós (We): -eremos
Vocês, Eles, Elas (You all, They): -erão
Example sentences:
Eu comererei um pedaço de bolo depois do jantar. (I will eat a piece of cake after dinner.)
Ele aprenderá a tocar violão. (He will learn to play the guitar.)
Nós beberemos água durante o exercício. (We will drink water during the exercise.)
Elas responderão às perguntas do professor. (They will answer the teacher’s questions.)
-ir Verbs:
For -ir verbs, the endings in the Future Tense are as follows:
Eu (I): -irei
Você, Ele, Ela (You, He, She): -irá
Nós (We): -iremos
Vocês, Eles, Elas (You all, They): -irão
Example sentences:
Eu partirei para o aeroporto amanhã cedo. (I will depart for the airport tomorrow morning.)
Ela abrirá a janela para deixar entrar ar fresco. (She will open the window to let in fresh air.)
Nós assistiriremos ao filme no cinema. (We will watch the movie at the cinema.)
Vocês dormirão bem esta noite. (You all will sleep well tonight.)
It’s important to note that some irregular verbs have different conjugations in the Future Tense. These irregularities should be memorized individually.
Usage of the Future Tense:
The Future Tense is used to talk about actions or events that will occur after the present moment. Here are some common situations in which the Future Tense is used:
Expressing future actions:
Eu comprarei um novo carro no próximo mês. (I will buy a new car next month.)
Ele viajará para a Europa no próximo ano. (He will travel to Europe next year.)
Making predictions:
Acredito que ela se tornará uma grande escritora. (I believe she will become a great writer.)
Eles ganharão o jogo de futebol. (They will win the soccer match.)
Giving advice or suggestions:
Você deveria estudar mais para conseguir melhores notas. (You should study more to get better grades.)
Nós devemos chegar ao aeroporto com antecedência. (We should arrive at the airport early.)
Making promises or commitments:
Eu te ajudarei com o seu projeto. (I will help you with your project.)
Vocês não se arrependerão de visitar essa cidade. (You will not regret visiting this city.)
The Future Tense, or “Futuro do Presente,” is a verb tense used to express actions or events that will occur after the present moment. It is formed by adding specific endings to the infinitive form of the verb, depending on the conjugation group (-ar, -er, or -ir). The Future Tense is commonly used to talk about future actions, make predictions, give advice, and make promises. By understanding the conjugation patterns and usage of the Future Tense, you will be able to express yourself more accurately and confidently when talking about future events in Portuguese.
Originally posted 2023-07-16 18:06:56.