Indefinite pronouns in Portuguese are used to refer to people or things that are not specific. They are called indefinite because they do not refer to a specific person or thing, but rather to anyone or anything that fits the description. In this article, we will discuss the different types of Portuguese indefinite pronouns, provide example sentences for each type, and explore the proper usage of these pronouns.
Algo, Alguém, Algum, Alguma, Algumas, and Alguns
The indefinite pronouns algo, alguém, algum, alguma, algumas, and alguns are all used to refer to something or someone that is not specific.
Algo: Something
Example sentence: Eu quero algo para comer. (I want something to eat.)
Alguém: Someone
Example sentence: Alguém me ligou ontem à noite. (Someone called me last night.)
Algum: Some/Any (masculine)
Example sentence: Tem algum problema? (Is there any problem?)
Alguma: Some/Any (feminine)
Example sentence: Você tem alguma sugestão? (Do you have any suggestions?)
Algumas: Some/Any (feminine plural)
Example sentence: Algumas pessoas gostam de acordar cedo. (Some people like to wake up early.)
Alguns: Some/Any (masculine plural)
Example sentence: Alguns alunos faltaram à aula. (Some students missed class.)
The indefinite pronoun cada is used to refer to each or every item or person in a group.
Example sentence: Cada estudante deve fazer sua própria pesquisa. (Each student should do their own research.)
Nenhum, Nenhuma, Nenhumas, and Nenhum
The indefinite pronouns nenhum, nenhuma, nenhumas, and nenhum are all used to refer to none or any.
Nenhum: None/Any (masculine)
Example sentence: Nenhum dos meus amigos gosta de esportes. (None of my friends likes sports.)
Nenhuma: None/Any (feminine)
Example sentence: Nenhuma das minhas irmãs vai à festa. (None of my sisters is going to the party.)
Nenhumas: None/Any (feminine plural)
Example sentence: Nenhumas das minhas amigas gostam de acampar. (None of my friends like camping.)
Nenhum: None/Any (masculine plural)
Example sentence: Nenhum dos carros está funcionando. (None of the cars is working.)
The indefinite pronoun outrem is used to refer to someone else or another person.
Example sentence: Outrem pode ter uma opinião diferente da sua. (Someone else may have a different opinion than yours.)
Qualquer and Quaisquer
The indefinite pronouns qualquer and quaisquer are both used to refer to any or whatever.
Qualquer: Any/Whatever
Example sentence: Qualquer pessoa pode participar. (Anyone can participate.)
Quaisquer: Any/Whatever (plural)
Example sentence: Quaisquer perguntas devem ser enviadas por escrito. (Any questions should be sent in writing.)
The indefinite pronoun quem is used to refer to whoever or anyone.
Example sentence: Quem tiver interesse pode se inscrever no curso. (Whoever is interested can sign up for the course.)
It is important to note that the usage of indefinite pronouns in Portuguese is similar to other Romance languages, such as Spanish, Italian, and French. However, each language may have its own specific nuances and variations in the usage of these pronouns.
When using indefinite pronouns, it is important to pay attention to their gender and number agreement with the noun they refer to. For example, if you are referring to a group of feminine objects or people, you should use the feminine form of the indefinite pronoun (alguma, nenhuma, nenhumas, etc.) Likewise, if you are referring to a group of masculine objects or people, you should use the masculine form (algum, nenhum, etc.).
In addition, some of these pronouns may require the use of prepositions to properly convey their meaning. For example, the pronoun cada is often used with the preposition de to indicate a group of people or objects. For instance, “Cada um de nós tem uma opinião diferente” (Each of us has a different opinion).
Overall, understanding the different types of indefinite pronouns in Portuguese and their proper usage can help you communicate more effectively and efficiently in the language. By incorporating these pronouns into your vocabulary, you will be able to express yourself in a more nuanced and precise way, and better understand the nuances of the language.
Originally posted 2023-07-17 13:34:07.