Demonstrative pronouns are words that are used to point to something or someone. In German, there are several demonstrative pronouns that are used to point out specific objects or people. These pronouns can be used to indicate the location of an object, the identity of a person, or the identity of an object. In this article, we will discuss the different German demonstrative pronouns and provide example sentences for each one.
Dieser – This
Dieser is the German demonstrative pronoun that is used to indicate a single object that is close to the speaker. The gender of the object being referred to will determine the form of the pronoun. If the object is masculine, then the pronoun will be dieser. If the object is feminine, then the pronoun will be diese. If the object is neuter, then the pronoun will be dieses. Here are some example sentences:
Dieser Stuhl ist sehr bequem. (This chair is very comfortable.)
Diese Blume ist wunderschön. (This flower is beautiful.)
Dieses Buch ist sehr interessant. (This book is very interesting.)
Jener – That
Jener is the German demonstrative pronoun that is used to indicate a single object that is far away from the speaker. Like the pronoun dieser, the gender of the object being referred to will determine the form of the pronoun. If the object is masculine, then the pronoun will be jener. If the object is feminine, then the pronoun will be jene. If the object is neuter, then the pronoun will be jenes. Here are some example sentences:
Jener Berg ist sehr hoch. (That mountain is very high.)
Jene Frau da drüben ist meine Freundin. (That woman over there is my friend.)
Jenes Auto gehört meinem Vater. (That car belongs to my father.)
Solcher – Such (As)
Solcher is the German demonstrative pronoun that is used to indicate a general category or type of object. This pronoun is used to describe something that is similar to another object or group of objects. Like the other demonstrative pronouns, the gender of the object being referred to will determine the form of the pronoun. If the object is masculine, then the pronoun will be solcher. If the object is feminine, then the pronoun will be solche. If the object is neuter, then the pronoun will be solches. Here are some example sentences:
Solcher Schmuck ist sehr teuer. (Such jewelry is very expensive.)
Solche Kleidung trägt man im Winter. (Such clothing is worn in the winter.)
Solches Verhalten ist inakzeptabel. (Such behavior is unacceptable.)
Demonstrative Pronouns in Context
Demonstrative pronouns are often used in context with other words or phrases to provide more information about the object or person being referred to. Here are some example sentences that demonstrate how demonstrative pronouns are used in context:
Dieser Hund ist sehr freundlich. Er mag es, wenn man ihn streichelt. (This dog is very friendly. He likes it when you pet him.)
Jener Baum dort ist ein Apfelbaum. Die Äpfel sind sehr lecker. (That tree over there is an apple tree. The apples are very tasty.)
Solcher Schmuck wird oft von reichen Leuten getragen. (Such jewelry is often worn by rich people.)
In summary, German demonstrative pronouns are words that are used to point to specific objects or people. These pronouns are used to indicate the location of an object, the proximity of an object, or the time when an event happened. The most common German demonstrative pronouns are “dieser,” “jener,” “dieses,” “jenes,” “diese,” and “jene.”
“Dieser” and “diese” are used to refer to a specific object that is close to the speaker, while “jener” and “jene” refer to an object that is far away from the speaker. “Dieses” and “jenes” are used to refer to an object whose gender is not specified or whose gender is neutral.
It’s important to note that German demonstrative pronouns change their form depending on the gender, number, and case of the noun they are referring to. Additionally, the placement of the pronoun in a sentence can change its meaning. Therefore, it’s essential to learn the different forms and uses of German demonstrative pronouns to speak and write correctly in German.
Originally posted 2023-07-17 14:43:14.