Interrogative pronouns are words used to ask questions in French. They are used to replace a noun or a group of words and are always at the beginning of a sentence. French has several interrogative pronouns that can be used to ask different types of questions. In this article, we will discuss the most common interrogative pronouns used in French, how they are used, and provide examples of their usage.
Qui – Who
Qui is used to ask for the identity of a person. It is equivalent to the English pronoun “who.”
Example sentences:
Qui est-ce ? (Who is it?)
Qui a mangé tous les biscuits ? (Who ate all the cookies?)
Avec qui vas-tu au cinéma ? (Who are you going to the movies with?)
Que/Quoi – What
Que and quoi are used to ask for information about a thing or an idea. They are equivalent to the English pronoun “what.”
Example sentences:
Que fais-tu ? (What are you doing?)
Quoi de neuf ? (What’s new?)
Tu as acheté quoi au marché ? (What did you buy at the market?)
Note: Que is used before a verb and quoi is used after a preposition or at the end of a sentence.
Quand – When
Quand is used to ask about the time or the moment when an action takes place. It is equivalent to the English pronoun “when.”
Example sentences:
Quand est-ce que tu viens ? (When are you coming?)
Quand est-ce que le train part ? (When does the train leave?)
Tu m’appelles quand tu es libre ? (Can you call me when you’re free?)
Où – Where
Où is used to ask about the place where an action takes place. It is equivalent to the English pronoun “where.”
Example sentences:
Où habites-tu ? (Where do you live?)
Où est la gare ? (Where is the train station?)
Où vas-tu ce week-end ? (Where are you going this weekend?)
Pourquoi – Why
Pourquoi is used to ask for the reason or the motive of an action. It is equivalent to the English pronoun “why.”
Example sentences:
Pourquoi es-tu en retard ? (Why are you late?)
Pourquoi as-tu choisi cette robe ? (Why did you choose this dress?)
Pourquoi n’as-tu pas appelé hier soir ? (Why didn’t you call last night?)
Comment – How
Comment is used to ask about the way or the manner in which an action is done. It is equivalent to the English pronoun “how.”
Example sentences:
Comment ça va ? (How are you?)
Comment as-tu fait ça ? (How did you do that?)
Comment vas-tu à la gare ? (How do you get to the train station?)
Lequel/Laquelle/Lesquels/Lesquelles – Which
Lequel, laquelle, lesquels, and lesquelles are used to ask for a choice among several options. They are equivalent to the English pronoun “which.”
Example sentences:
Lequel préfères-tu ? (Which one do you prefer?)
Laquelle de ces deux robes est la plus jolie ? (Which one of these two dresses is prettier?)
Lesquels de ces livres as-tu lus ? (Which of these books have you read?)
Note: Lequel is used for masculine singular, laquelle for feminine singular, lesquels for masculine plural, and lesquelles for feminine plural.
Combien – How many/How much
Combien is used to ask about the quantity or the amount of something. It is equivalent to the English pronoun “how many/how much.”
Example sentences:
Combien de temps faut-il pour aller à Paris en train ? (How long does it take to go to Paris by train?)
Combien de frères et sœurs as-tu ? (How many brothers and sisters do you have?)
Combien ça coûte ? (How much does it cost?)
In conclusion, French interrogative pronouns are essential in asking questions and seeking information in French. It is important to note that interrogative pronouns vary based on the type of information being sought. Qui is used to ask for a person’s identity, que/quoi is used to ask for information about a thing or an idea, quand is used to ask about the time or the moment when an action takes place, où is used to ask about the place where an action takes place, pourquoi is used to ask for the reason or the motive of an action, comment is used to ask about the way or the manner in which an action is done, lequel/laquelle/lesquels/lesquelles is used to ask for a choice among several options, and combien is used to ask about the quantity or the amount of something. By understanding these interrogative pronouns, you can effectively communicate and ask questions in French
Originally posted 2023-07-17 16:39:57.